Architectural photographer Timothy Soar has launched the Exposure Award, which offers free photoshoots to five emerging practices.


Tim Soar

The Exposure Award is designed to give emerging architectural practices a head start in terms of photographing, communicating and promoting their work. Five successful practices will be able to commission Timothy Soar to photograph a completed building within the UK at no cost and to draw on his experience and expertise to develop their approach to image-making and narrative ideas.

Practices are invited to submit an email PDF including a short resume along with details of their work which can include built projects, projects under construction and projects on the drawing board. Applications will be judged on the promise of future achievement in architecture in its widest sense. Special consideration will be given to projects that address environmental issues and/or promote social change.

The award will be judged by Timothy Soar along with Isabel Allen, Editor of Architecture Today and Satwinder Samra, Director of Collaborative Practice, Sheffield School of Architecture.

Applications to by Tuesday 1st June.